Monday, May 9, 2011

Assignment 5A

Out of all the images we had to choose from, I probably like this one the best. Each sphere seems to individually represent a different idea or theme, while the entire conglomeration of spheres seems to represent the universe in a way. I also see the woman represented in this picture as being one with the universe. It sounds kind of cheesy, but it makes sense. The artist uses contrast and affinity with the different colors of spheres. The ones near the center being warmer colored, and the perimeter spheres have a sort of cold calmness to them. Nothing about the picture is necessarily objective, but rather subjective. It can be seen as symbolic of multiple abstract ideas. The rule of thirds is used in a way in the original image, as it frames the woman's face nicely. The orb that I decided to zoom in on reminds me of the earth in a certain way. It is mostly blue with a little green, which makes me think of the globe covered in mostly water. In the original image, the depth cues carry our eyes far back into the picture in a cool effect. If this were film, the original would probably be classified as a wide shot while my zoomed image would most likely be a close-up. By not zooming in, the artist was able to provide a myriad of possible interpretations to the actual nature of the different spheres that are the building blocks of a larger image. The smooth and flowing edges of the spheres and the background as a whole create a calm and peaceful image that is nice to reflect on. I have always liked the color blue along with water, so that's why I framed it like I did. Overall, this is one of my favorite pictures I have seen this year thus far.

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