Monday, April 25, 2011

Blog Assignment 4A

Brainwashed Link

Acknowledge the Lizard
This article is about our fear of our work being rejected. I believe this is especially true in group projects, as nobody can truly express their visions confidently without fear of ridicule. It is important for us to recognize that this happens, so we can suppress the urge to back down at the slightest ridicule.

I never really thought of learning in the same way outside of the classroom. We've always been conditioned to only believe we are truly learning while a teacher drones on and on about material we are likely to forget after the test/exam. I really have learned most of what I know outside of the classroom.

Class Analysis
The first aspect doesn't seem to apply as much, as many students will comment or view our blogs, but they will likely not know us by name, so we have no need to be embarrassed about our work. The second aspect I have highlighted applies to our outside-of-class creations. I really enjoy these, although the word requirements on some of the responses make them seem very dry and dull, as we usually have to stuff the reply with useless filler words that add nothing to the overall comment, just to make the word requirement. That is my only complaint.

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