Sunday, May 29, 2011

Assignment 7

The two videos that our group did were much different from one another. With basically everyone else's videos, they were nearly identical with a few aspects changed around. My video had the same basic joke, but strayed really far from the exact joke setup. Most of the characters in my video used what I would describe as "normal" movement. Billy, on the other hand, used erratic movement that made him appear extremely creepy. It gives the audience a sense that he is suspicious, and should not be trusted. On the other hand, the movement of the characters in Jenna's movie have a bigger diversity. The way one character moves suggests that he is bored, and the way another moves shows that she is nervous or antsy. The movement of the others is all very similar to one another.The space in each video is restricted by the close proximity of the walls, with the exception of the opening scene of my video. My opening scene is outdoors with a wide area, so it doesn't feel restricting like the rest. The space extends far on all sides of the characters, so wide and medium shots are most prevalent. Tension and release is used in my video when awkward pauses appear in the dialogue, and when the camera zooms in on my face as I look creepy. The tension is released when someone speaks again, breaking the odd silence. I implement this several times in my video, but Jenna's does not. Contrast and affinity is present in both videos through the characters. In my video, the male and female characters have similar movements to one another, but drastically different styles from Billy. In Jenna's video, the son and daughter have an contrast of movement, while the mom and dad have an affinity of movement.

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