Sunday, April 24, 2011

Garage Band 2-Minute Song Assignment

1 comment:

  1. At first, when you started with the use of a rock drum beat I thought a guitar or piano was going to follow. But the use of some exotic instrument completely threw me off and the two mashed very well. The bass loop helped make the song seem much more full. I really liked how diverse this soundscape is. Many different instruments that we don’t always hear, you were able to work together to make a upbeat instrumental. I also liked how it was very un-repetitive. After a few seconds a new instrument was introduced which kept the song interesting. I also like how the tempo remained constant and how many different pitches there were. My favorite was that throughout the song the sounds came from different angles. While one sound would be playing on the left, a sound from the right side would start, creating a really full sound then gradually transitioning into a much a simple sound of one instrument over a constant drumbeat. The ending guitar picking ended the song very nicely and not abruptly by fading out and ending on one note. The song had lot of diversity to it and was fun to listen to.
